
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Routine/Chore Chart For Kids

Happy New Year! I hope you all had wonderful holiday!
Julie and I are so excited to see where our blog takes us and we are excited to share this journey with you all!
Just like most of you, I am starting the new year by thinking of ways to get more organized and one way I thought I could do that is by getting my 3-year old organized too!
Growing up, my parents made my sister and I have a chore chart with popsicle sticks. When we completed the chore, we put a popsicle stick in a slot. It was a brilliant way to keep track of what we did and still needed to do. I have always remembered that chart and planned on doing something similar with my kids.
Every morning & night we have a routine for our daughter to help her get ready for school and bed. It has been a spoken routine, until now...
Here is our new visual routine!

Here is what I used to make this routine chart...
 1. Laminated routine tasks & accompanied pictures (staples does this for very little cost)
2. Scissors or rotary cutter, cutting mat and cutting ruler
3. Velcro (not pictured)
4. Canvas (size will vary on how many tasks you have) (not pictured)
5. Washi tape (not pictured)
Here is what I did...
 I cut out all of my tasks and pictures and put Velcro on the back of each one.
I then laid them out on the canvas and pressed down to make sure the Velcro stuck.
 Next, I took the Washi tape that I picked out and made lines to separate the morning and night routines.
Then I put the glitter Washi tape around the edge for a little more effect and it's complete!
Eventually, I plan on having her move the pictures to the other side of the light pink side when she has completed the task.  For now, I just need her to complete them!
If you have a little or big one, a visual routine is always a great idea, that way they always know what is expected of them!
Now let's get organized!
~ Kerri

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