
Friday, February 21, 2014

Snickerdoodle Bread

Food Frenzy Friday is back, at least for this Friday, and today I want to share with you probably the most AMAZING bread I have ever had!!!  I saw this recipe on Pinterest and let me just tell's addicting!
The first time I made it I didn't read at the bottom of the recipe the pan measurements and instead put all the batter into the one loaf pan I had.  It still turned out good, but it took much longer to bake (of course).  So, the second time I made it, I split the batter to make it go a little faster.
You may be like me and only have one loaf pan, so how I split the batter in half was while one half was baking the rest of the batter hung out in the fridge.  Since according to the recipe, half of the mixture is still more than one loaf pan, you will need to bake it for about 1 hour, instead of the 30-35 min it calls for.
I served mine with vanilla bean ice cream....yum!!!
Enjoy ~ Kerri
PS. The Hershey's cinnamon chips can only be found at Albertson's or maybe Walmart!

1 comment:

  1. making this again tonight! :) thanks for the hints!- Tira
