
Friday, February 28, 2014

Baseball Shamrock Wreath

Since tomorrow is the first day of March, I thought it would be fun to share a quick and easy wreath for  St. Patty's Day (even though I don't normally do anything for it) and it is also that time of year that my family absolutely loves...BASEBALL!  So what better way to celebrate Spring Training & St. Patty's Day than a baseball shamrock wreath? Well let me tell you, this was a quick and I mean a quick way to transform the wreath on my front door. 

The below photo is of my winter wreath 
(I can tell you this, I have had it with Winter and it is time to move onto Spring).

This is how you make the Baseball Shamrock:
First, you need to take the baseball apart and make hearts out of 2 of the pieces (you can see this  tutorial here). Then you need to cut a third piece of the ball for one of the petals and the stem. The below photo shows how I cut this the first time I tried it and it didn't work so well. So don't follow that step...I just wanted to show you, 'what not to do'.

This photo shows how I trimmed the third piece of the baseball. Like I noted on the picture, I think I should have left the stem a little longer...but it still worked (at least I think).

Once you have the hearts glued and ready, then you glue them onto the petal/stem (see below photo).

This is how it looks before you put the button on the shamrock. 

In this photo the shamrock has the button just laying on top of it, because I wasn't sure that I liked the black button. The button was too plain, so I decided to string twine through the button holes and tie a bow to add a little detail.

To hang the shamrock I strung wire through 2 of the holes in the baseball and twisted it, so it would stay in place.

 How to make the Shamrock tag:
 For the tag, I used one of my tea dyed tags.  All you have to do is draw the shape of your shamrock and then fill it with glue. Then, put green glitter on it and shake off the excess glitter and Ta-Da...a shamrock tag.  The stem of the tag wasn't the ideal shape I wanted, but I tucked it into the little pocket on the wreath and it looks fine.
Hopefully this little touch of Spring will get you motivated to craft some Spring into your homes!
P.S. I added the link to my Beautifully Broken Etsy Shop on the top tabs. Go take a look...I have added a couple of new items and don't forget to follow my shop and make it a Favorite too!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Free Printable Gift Tags

This past weekend I went to my friend's son's birthday party and I decided to get a little creative with the wrapping...I created the gift tag and thought I would make some more for all of you!

I made some that say "Happy Birthday" and others that say "For You".
For my friend's son, I put his name in the center of one, which came out really cute.  You can upload these to an accommodating program and type in your desired name if you wish.

I printed these on brown paper to give them the 'postage' feel.  Cream colored card stock would work great as well!

You can cut them to a larger size if you wish....

Click the image below to upload, print and enjoy!

~ Kerri

Monday, February 24, 2014

Etsy Shop Opening & Family Photos!

I know that this is a blog for DIY and food, but today I am going to just chat with you about my Etsy journey and share some of our family photos we had taken in California by Kandis Marino Photograhpy. If you follow our blog, I am sure you are aware that I am opening an Etsy shop...well, I did it!  It's open, FINALLY!  I only have a couple of things on there as of now, but I will be adding more in the near future.  That is partly why, I am just chatting today...I have been so busy with getting my shop together that I neglected to DIY anything for the blog (SORRY). 
I had some technical difficulties when trying to open the shop; for instance...the name! The name of my shop is Beautifully Broken Creations (you can read the story behind the name here), but with the way I set it up (I made a mistake), you have to search with my name JulieGastineau.  Here is the link that will take you straight to my shop, so you can check out the items I have posted. 
I have to say, that this is HUGE for me; putting myself out there! While in the process of opening this shop, I have been praying for guidance, patience, and the faith that I need to succeed (as far as I can tell, this is happening). Every step of this journey has made me grow as a person and given me a deeper understanding of the Grace that God has for me. I have been in AWE of how He has worked this little dream of mine into a reality and I am so very thankful for that.  I am also very thankful for the support I have received from my family and friends, you have all been so encouraging! 
Well, all I can say, is...let the journey begin (I am ready for it...I think)!

Now onto the family photos: 
These are just a few of my favorites, I didn't want to overload you with Gastineau Family Pictures.

 Our beautiful kids:

Tim and Kate:

 Madi and me:

 This is my favorite. 
I think because it has 2 of my all time favorite things from this children and the ocean!
 Craig and me:

 And...I think this is the one I will have blown up from Photobarn for the living room!
 Thank you all for enduring this journey with me and for letting me share our family pictures with you (not like you had a choice).  You are all truly amazing and inspiring to me!
Have a beautiful day!
P.S. A great BIG thank you to Kandis Marino for taking these amazing photos!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Snickerdoodle Bread

Food Frenzy Friday is back, at least for this Friday, and today I want to share with you probably the most AMAZING bread I have ever had!!!  I saw this recipe on Pinterest and let me just tell's addicting!
The first time I made it I didn't read at the bottom of the recipe the pan measurements and instead put all the batter into the one loaf pan I had.  It still turned out good, but it took much longer to bake (of course).  So, the second time I made it, I split the batter to make it go a little faster.
You may be like me and only have one loaf pan, so how I split the batter in half was while one half was baking the rest of the batter hung out in the fridge.  Since according to the recipe, half of the mixture is still more than one loaf pan, you will need to bake it for about 1 hour, instead of the 30-35 min it calls for.
I served mine with vanilla bean ice cream....yum!!!
Enjoy ~ Kerri
PS. The Hershey's cinnamon chips can only be found at Albertson's or maybe Walmart!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

DIY Jewelry Holder

Today I am going to share with you a little something I whipped up in about an hour (well maybe a little less)!'s that easy.
The hardest part was deciding which hardware I would use to make this:

Once I picked out the hardware, it was super easy.
There were way too many knobs and hardware to choose from! Now I know why we keep everything.
I just played with the different knobs and hooks to find the right fit and this is what I liked the best:
Supplies Needed:
Barn wood or any type of wood
Barbed wire or something to hang it with
Knobs, hinges, or hooks

1. Cut your board to the desired length
2. Attach your barbed wire ( you will need to drill holes in the top corners)
3. Decide where you will place the hardware
4. Drill holes to screw in the hardware
5. Attach the hardware
6.  Make a tag to hang (if desired)
7. Hang in your bedroom or bathroom
8. Hang jewelry on it

I added this little tag...I love this saying, because we are all BEAUTIFUL in our own unique way and we just need to be ourselves no matter the circumstance.

If you don't want to make your own jewelry holder, you can order one from my Beautifully Broken Etsy shop (still not open).  I have attached some photos and prices (shipping not included in prices) of items I will have in my shop; if you would like to order anything, please email me at and we can make arrangements.
Have a Be*YOU*tiful day!

Items that can be ordered:

Monday, February 17, 2014

DIY Name Tile

I hope you all enjoyed my and Julie's Valentine's décor and gift ideas.  Hopefully you had a great Valentine's Day too!
To continue in the spirit of love, this past weekend a good friend of mine and my husband had his engagement party and I wanted to get them something special and a bit unique.  I could have bought something personalized online, but that would take the fun out of I created this...
I completed this project in about 45 min, so it's that easy.  The trick is to have a Cricut or Silhouette. If you don't have one, I'm sure you know someone who does!!!
I created all the lettering using my Cricut and then carefully applied it to the tile, which I already had (I say carefully because laying vinyl can be tough, but you just have to be patient). If you don't happen to have tiles laying around, you can pick one up at Home Depot or Lowe's for about 1 dollar!!! 
I then sprayed some Shellac on it to seal it all in and when it was dry, I grabbed the stand and snapped some pictures to share with you!
Here are a few others ones I made a while ago for my sister and mom...

That's it!  So simple and what a great personal gift!
Happy Creating
~ Kerri

Friday, February 14, 2014

Picture Holders

As promised on Monday, I am going to share with you the meaning behind my Etsy shop name: Beautifully Broken Creations.
Some of you may know that I have always wanted to have my own little gift shop. Well, reality is...that hasn't happened. So what better way to dive in, than an Etsy shop (or at least get my feet wet)?

Ok, onto the story behind by shop name. I have really been praying about stepping out in my faith and being open about having a personal relationship with my Lord and Savior and sharing that through my creations.  So one day as I drove to work I was praying that if He really wanted me to take this step there would be a sign as to what I would call my Etsy shop and that's when He flooded my car with a song...Keep Making Me by Sidewalk Prophets.

Well, lets just say...I just started crying (and had goosebumps) and knew that was me and it was actually describing the things that I like to make with my own hands.
I take broken things (barn wood, barbed wire, chippy doors, etc.) and make them beautiful, just like He does with us.  We are all Broken, but he makes us Beautiful.
I hope this helps paint a picture in your mind about my Beautifully Broken Creations and the journey I am embarking on!

Here is a sneak peak at some of the items that I will have in my Etsy shop:
I absolutely love this baseball one!!  How perfect is that for a ball player...I am making one of these for each of our boys (even though their baseball playing days are over).
This set of 3 is perfect for each person in the family to have a space or a cute little tag (see tutorial).

Another fun shape and then my absolute favorite...a heart! Seriously, who wouldn't want something like that adorning their shelves? 

In case you want to make your own, here is a quick tutorial:
First, you need to cut your wood (the size you choose). Then, drill a hole in the middle of the block. After that, cut the barbed wire (to the desired length) and then, put glue in the hole.  
Finally, push the barbed wire in the hole.  
Yes, it is pretty simple...but if you don't have the time or patience you can visit Beautifully Broken Creations on Etsy (soon) and buy one (or more)!

As I finish this post, my heart is so THANKFUL for each and every one of you that are supporting me in this adventure. You have given so much encouragement through your words, prayers and actions (buying my creations). I also have to thank my husband, he always supports me in my adventures (whether he wants to or not) and helps me succeed...thank you, Craig (that's him in the above picture)!
So here's to my new adventure and hopefully my livelihood!
Have a Beautifully Broken day!